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Lyddenhill - 1st Nov 2009


Four of the hardiest - maybe that should read 'daftest', RATs (Harvey & Linda, Eric and Jacko) set out on very wet and windy Sunday - it chucked it down all the way to breakfast!

Couldnt even get a clear snap of Linda as we all struggled against the elements!
Some though; Jane (Mrs Eric) and friends, were far more sensible; they went by car.

One of the racers we came to see; Garry Budgen, had already won on points the Thunderbike Championship (2nd year in a row) so he played it smart and didnt go racing in the hissing rain. But he did get a bit of a wetting courtesy of some traditional champagne. Here he is, receiving a wet from Steve Jordan, his sponsor.

Garry's bike (pictured, No.7). And Harvey deciding to talk of the merits racing a Triumph! Fortunately we survived without being captured and eaten by the Suzuki team!

Only joking! We thanked the Suzi lads for sheltering us from the proverbial penetrating precipitation and made our way to the track side when it eventually stopped.

Here is one for Kieren - look what can be done on a supermoto, much to the annoyance of some of the other competitors.

The sidecar racing was fantastic - well worth getting a little wet for??**!!

The video quality isn't great - but turn up the sound!
